Features and Usage
Provides a robust solution for both commercial and domestic use.
- With adjustable hinges, lock keeps and also incorporating additional sash passing clearance which allows for useful on-site fitting tolerances
- Includes an option of multi-point locking with additional top & bottom shoot-bolts.
- Double doors feature dual lock mechanisms enabling handles on both sashes.
- Internally beaded for open in and open out doors.
- Profiles are contemporarily styled with a modern, square-edge design.
- Low thresholds comply with Document M building legislation.
- Z/T sash sections allow for greater coverage and weather resistance.
- Tested in accordance with the requirements of BS 6375 Pt1.
- Typical Sight Line 47mm
- Glass 24-32mm
- Max o/a Height 2400mm
- Max o/a Width 900mm
- Max Sash Weight 80kg
Benefits and Options

Sightline 47mm

Water 600PA

1.7W/M2K using 1.0 Centre Pane

Wind Class 1200PA

Document M Compliant

British Standard BS6375 PT I

PAS: 24:2012

Air 600PA